Clayton Howe’s Entertainmentx
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Alton Fitzgerald White ( is an accomploshed actor onstage, on TV, and in Film. He played Mufasa in The Lion King on Broadway for 4,308 performances and has released a must read book My Pride. Alton now travels the world to perfom in concerts that he has created and organized. This man does it all, we cover his AMAZING level of discipline and how he lives his life. I had an extreme amount of takeaways and I hope you do as well! Enjoy!
"Inside the (x)" is a SHORT email newletter, every friday, designed to add value and fun to your life! It will include information on upcoming guests, articles/books/blog posts I'm reading, quotes I'm pondering, and videos I'm watching. To join, email
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Michael T. Whalen ( shares all that he has learned from film making. This coversation covers his work on Cops (some pretty crazy stories) to Documentries he is working on now. This guy is a plethora of information and he shares A LOT of that information with me. I hope you Enjoy!
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
David Foxx ( is the voice of many radio stations across the world. We have a wonderful conversation over the phone in regards to kindness, work ethic, and his life path. This guy gets it. From radio programming to life. He understands life and shares what he knows beautifully. Enjoy.
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
This episode is all about finances and what I've learned from earning, saving, and spending. I hope some if not all of you can take away something from these lessons and thought processes. IF there are other topics you'd like for me to cover email or reach out on Instagram at @_entertainmentx_.
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Iman Oubou (IG: @iman.noelle)(TW: @imanoubou)( is an entrepreneur, the creator of SWAAY, and model. Our conversation covers many different topics. We chat about her childhood all the way to present day. She was extremely open, honest, and forthcoming with tons of information in regards to what she has created with her company and lessons learned from life. I hope you enjoy this conversation!!
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Monday Sep 24, 2018
M.Sayibu (IG:@emjeed)(TW:@emjeed)( is a writer, director, and producer of films in hollywood and around the world. We have an eye opening conversation on Hollywood and everything in that town! He breaks down pitching ideas, to writing and dirceting films. We discuss his life from Africa to the USA and so much much more. Enjoy!!
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Christiani Pitts (IG:@christianiworld)( is an actress, singer, dancer, performer, and educator. You will be able to see her in kingkong at the Broadway Theatre starting October 5th. This conversation takes place at P.S. Kitchen on 48th street in MidTown Manhattan. We discuss her early inspirations to perform all the way to present day. I found there were many life lessons that could be taken away from this conversation and felt the chat to be quite relaxing. In the sense that, once you know your purpose, you can find comfort in that and allow it to move you on to larger goals/life achievements. Which is exactly what Christiani is doing. Enjoy!
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Nova Bergeron (IG:@yogawithnova) chats with me on the phone about challenges she has overcome. We cover A LOT in terms of her views on life and how she stays positive. This I am finding can be very important in regards to the self talk we have with ourselves. She shares it all and we can all grow from this wonderful conversation. Enjoy!
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Tara Magalski (,@divinelifestyles,@letyourmessbeyourmessage) is an accomplished actress, model, creator, and spreader of love. She has created Let Your Mess Be Your Message which challenges you to speak your truth and grow from it. Our conversation is wide ranging and takes many twists and turns as we navigate her life and everything that has brought her to this moment. Truly a lovely conversation. I hope you enjoy!
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Peter Gaffney (LinkedIn:@petergaffney) is head of multiplatform programming for MTV International. We cover a bunch of different topics ranging from his upbringing to nostalgia as medication. He talks about all the different shwos he has been a part of from The History Channel to MTV to A&E. Peter shares his process of writting his book with his brother. I hope you enjoy this episode!